Adjusted plugin binary format to pave the way for more advanced language features.
The new version includes community contributions by the following awesome people: headline, SlidyBat, PerfectLaugh, quasemago, Technoblazed, InvexByte, TiBarification, Pelipoika, Peace-Maker, thewavelength, rumblefrog, jason-e, Kailo, CrazyHackGUT, rsKliPPy, fakuivan, maximsmol, Silenci0, hydrogen-mvm, Hexer10, ddhoward, Bara, PowerLord, TheByKotik, komashchenko, BotoX, b3none, DJPlaya, PerfectLaugh, 404UNFca, JoinedSenses, TheDS1337, Batfoxkid, MartLegion, FortyTwoFortyTwo, PlayBo圓1, and Einyux. As always, there will be gamedata updates for the old-stable 1.9 branch for a while. The new stable branch of SourceMod is now 1.10.